Reflections for the 12th Sunday In Ordinary Time

Job 38, 1 + 8-11; Psalm 197; 2 Corinthians 5, 14-17; Mark 4, 35-41

By + Guy Sansaricq

Weathermen are precious! They predict weather changes and the movement of the winds but have no control over the wild forces of nature. The Scriptures of the day state that God is the one who exercises total control over everything.  Job in the first reading uses this image skillfully.

In the Gospel excerpt, we see Jesus rebuking a threatening wind and commanding the stormy sea to quiet down. At once the wind ceased and calm was restored. Jesus is thus shown as endowed with divine power. The Apostles, witnesses of the event were filled with awe. Are we? Yes He is Lord!

It is this Jesus whom we adore. He is the one to whom we address our supplication in times of distress. We need to be reminded of these stories so that we may learn to approach his throne of mercy with greater trust. We may say that through Christ, God has visited us!

The mighty deeds of Christ have been clearly displayed! May we live with the full assurance that he is truly the Lord whose power and mercy are boundless! Let us call on him to calm down the furious winds of terrorism and violence that threaten our very existence; let us incessantly call on him to calm down our fears and anxieties in the face of the world’s uncertainties and threats. He calls us to repent and become a new creation (2nd reading).  Why should we arrogantly stand in defiance of the One whom the winds and the seas obey?