Reflections on the readings of the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle B

July 4th, 2021

Ez. 2, 2-5 Ps. 123; 2 Cor., 12, 7-10; Mk. 6, 1-6

By +Guy Sansaricq

The Scripture readings of the day point to a very crude reality, the hardness of face and the stubbornness of heart of many people. People tend to stick to their comfortable old habits and close their hearts to prophets’ voices calling them to change and repent. 

Prophet Ezekiel in the first reading laments about the rebellious people he deals with who refused to listen to him and even persecuted him. Likewise, St. Paul in the second reading claims to suffer from a sorrowful thorn in his flesh. He experiences animosity from his listeners. Jesus also in Nazareth is rejected by his own town folks except by very few.  

It appears that rejection of the truth stems not so much from the intelligence but from the heart. Jesus, the young carpenter who grew up in Nazareth was, in the opinion of his townsfolks, incapable of displaying a so wisdom superior to theirs or incapable of performing mighty deeds.  They rejected him not because of his message but because of their prejudice.

Jesus was amazed at their lack of faith and did not perform his mighty deeds before them but went on to other neighboring towns likely to be more receptive. Let’s learn from these readings to accept Jesus’ mighty voice with an open and sincere heart!