Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (July 1, 2018)

Wis. 1, 13-15 +2, 23-24; Ps. 30; 2 Cor. 8, 7-15; Mark 5, 21-43 By +Guy Sansaricq

Today’s readings stress the primary importance of FAITH, an inner disposition that saves and heals. Two miracles are reported to highlight the teaching. Both these miracles performed on the same day by Jesus illustrate the deep faith of the petitioners.

A woman, who had been suffering from a persistent hemorrhage for twelve years was desperate. She had spent all she had seeking an evasive cure. Finally she said to herself, if I only touch the hem of his garment, I shall be cured. And so it happened! Jesus told her “your faith has saved you.”

Likewise a distinguished gentleman by the name of Jairus begged Jesus to come and save the life of his dying daughter. Before they reached the house, the girl died. Jesus undisturbed continued his way to the house, took the girl’s hand and ordered her to rise. The girl rose to the bewilderment of all present. Hence, Jairus’ faith was rewarded.

Faith is an inner disposition of complete trust in the divinity of Jesus and in his mercy.
Faith moves mountains. Faith gives victory. May you too possess that life-giving virtue!
Faith, a gift of God, must be embraced. It generates hope and Love. Faith motivates all missionary and heroic endeavors. Faith produces miracles. You too are called to be a
Faith-filled member of the Church if you want to be HEALED and SAVED!